A client of ours operates a driveway installation business. The 3 owners of this business are “rough and ready” trades people with little finesse for the finer points of dealing with the public. As part of their marketing blueprint we determined that the owners needed:
- An effective telephone answering script that got more appointments
- An effective quoting and follow-up process to get more deals.
- A strategy to increase their prices and thereby their profit
These needs were identified through completion of our discovery phase marketing audit.
Essentially these guys were getting about 10 enquiries per day but only converting 1 in 10 to an appointment. Of the 1 in 10 appointments, they were getting 1 in 3 to buy. The average sale was £3000.
Summary before our involvement
60 calls/week = 6 appointments (1 in 10) = 2 sales (1 in 3) = £6,000 in sales.
We structured a special telephone script that increased the appointment rate from 1 in 10 to 7 in 10! That’s a 700% increase in appointments.
Before the phone script the business was just handing out quotes over the phone with no strategy what-so-ever. After the telephone script, this business was taking an unusual interest in the customers needs which has led to a massive increase in appointments.
From there, these owners then used a specially crafted quoting document that detailed all the finer points about the work they would do for the client. In the past they would simply have scribbled a quote on a piece of paper and “left it with them”.
Today they tender a professional quote and use a simple but very professional follow-up phone script. This has resulted in one 1 sale being achieved from every 2 appointments as opposed to 1 sale from every 3 appointments.
Finally, they were able to put their prices up by 10% because they were now perceived as the leaders in driveways. So instead of an average sale of £3000 it is now £3300